
Conference presentations (International)

  1. Salinity Interaction of Mentor Marsh with Lake Erie Using Hydrodynamic Modeling, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, June 5-9, 2021.
  2. Flood Travel Time Computation and Damage Assessment in the City of Painesville near Grand River, OH, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, May 19-23, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA.
  3. “Investigating Temporal and Spatial Variability of Streamflow and Salinity Level in the Upstream Mentor Marsh Watersheds”, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, June 2-6, 2018, Minnesota, MN.
  4. Quantification of the Effect of Bridge Pier Encasement on Headwater Elevation Using HEC-RAS, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, June 3-7, 2018, Minneapolis, MN.
  5. Hydrologic and Biologic Low Flow Conditions with Climate Change in Great Miami River, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, May 21-25, 2017, Sacramento, CA.
  6. Winter Ice Cover and Ice Jam Effects on the Grand River Flooding in Changing Climate, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference,May 21-25, 2017, Sacramento, CA.
  7. Impact of Climate Change on Ice Jam Conditions in the River: A Case Study of the Midwestern Rivers. EWRI,May 22-26, 2016, West Palm Beach, Florida.
  8. Modeling Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing and Climate Change on Stream Low Flows: A Case Study of Muskingum Watershed in Eastern Ohio (EWRI Conference,May 17-21, 2015, Austin, TX)
  9. Climate Change Impact on Stream Low Flows and Regulator Low Flows Estimation for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permitting (Poster, EWRI, May 17-21, 2015)
  10. Surface and Subsurface Transport of Nitrate Leaching From Bioenergy Crop Fields: A Meta-Analysis (Poster presentation, ASCE/EWRI, 2014)
  11. Hydrologic and Water Quality Impact of Bioenergy Crop Expansion in Agricultural Region of Indiana State, (ASABE, 2013)
  12. Climate variability-based Stream Flow Forecasting Using Adoptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ASABE, 2012).
  13. Incorporating ENSO Information for Point Source Discharge Permitting, Climate Information for Managing Risk Symposium(May 24-27, 2011, Orlando, Florida)
  14. Incorporating El Nino Southern Oscillation for Point Source Discharge Permitting in a Complex River Systems (ASABE conference, 2011)
  15. Climate Variability- Based TOC Load Prediction Using Hybrid (PCA-ANN) and Fuzzy Logic Approaches (ASABE conference, 2011)
  16. Deriving NEXRAD Precipitation Data Using Artificial Neural Network and Multi Linear Regression Models (ASABE conference, 2010)

Conference Attendance and Presentations (Regional)

  1. Sensitivity Analysis of Runoff Estimation using NRCS Equation with Rainfall, Initial Abstraction and Curve Number”, ORBCRE symposium, Thomas More University Kentucky, Oct 6-8, Virtual Conference
  2. Investigating the Diversion of Water Salinity due to Routing of Blackbrook Creek Using Watershed Model, University of Louisville, Kentucky, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2020.
  3. Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modeling to Analyze the Salinity Interaction between Lake Erie and Coastal Marshland”, Water Management    Association Ohio, Nov 2-5, 2020, Columbus, Ohio.
  4. Modeling Approach to Analyze Salinity Intrusion in Mentor Marsh”, Water Management Association Ohio, Nov13-14, 2019.
  5. Flood Inundation Mapping and Damage Assessment in the City of Painesville: A Case Study of Grand River, OH, ORBCRE, October 17-19, 2018.
  6. Estimated Ice Jam Conditions of Selected Rivers in Northern Part of United States in Changing Climate, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, Sept 27-29, 2017, Marshall University, Huntington, WV.
  7. Development of a Flood Warning System and Flood Inundation Mapping for the Grand River near the City of Painesville, Ohio, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, Sept 27-29, 2016, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH.
  8. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Phosphorus Loading to Lake Erie Using Wavelet analysis”, Water Management Association of Ohio, November 17-18, 2015, Columbus and Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, October 11-13, 2015, Northern Kentucky University.
  9. Climate Change Impact on Stream Low Flows and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permitting in Ohio River Basin.” Ohio River Basin Consortium, Sept 10-12, 2014, Robert Morris University, Moon, PA
  10. Climate Variability Based Stream-flow forecasting Using Neuro-Fuzzy Computational Technique (2012, ASABE Alabama Section Committee Meeting)
  11. Incorporating Climate Variability for Point Source Discharge Permitting in a Complex River System (2012, Oklahoma Water Resources Conference)
  12. Attended South East Climate Consortium Meeting 2012, April 9-11
  13. Incorporating Climate Variability for Point Source Discharge Permitting in a Complex River System (Alabama Water Resources Conference, 2011).
  14. Comparison of Traditional Pixel Based Classification with Geo-Object Based Image Analysis of Landsat TM Images for the Saugahatchee Watershed, Alabama (April 12, 2011)
  15. Incorporating Climate Variability into NPDES Permitting of Nutrient Discharges from Waste Water Treatment Plants (TMDL conference, 2010)
  16. Incorporating Climate Variability into NPDES Permitting of Nutrient Discharges from Waste Water Treatment Plants (Alabama water resources conference, 2010)
  17. Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling Using SWAT model in the Saugahatchee Watershed (Tallapoosa Mini Conference, 2009)

 Poster presentations (International/Regional)

  1. Pravakar Khadka, Suresh Sharma. “Hydrodynamic Modeling to Analyze Salinity Intrusion in Lake Erie from Mentor Marsh”, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education, Oct 2-4, 2019 Athens, Ohio.
  2. Pravakar Khadka, Suresh Sharma. “Detecting Salinity Variation Across the Mentor Marsh Wetlands Using EFDC Model”, Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, May 19-23, 2019, Pittsburgh, PA
  3. Ekaraj Ghimire, Suresh Sharma. “Flood Travel Time Computation in the City of Painesville near Grand River, OH Using 1D, 2D and 1D/2D Model”, ORBCRE, 2018
  4. Hari Dhungel, Suresh Sharma, Ekaraj Ghimire. “Investigating Temporal and Spatial Variability of Flow and Salinity Level in Ungagged Mentor Marsh Watershed Using SWAT Model”, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, October 17-19, 2018, Crestview Hills, KY(Conference was attended and presented by Graduate student, Ekaraj Ghimire).
  5. Suresh Sharma and Indrajeet Chaubey. “Surface and Subsurface Transport of Nitrate Leaching Loss through Various Land Use: A Meta-analysis.” Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, June 1-5, 2014, Portland, OR.
  6. Aashish Shrestha, Suresh Sharma, Scott C. Martin, and Colleen E. McLean. “Scenario Analysis for the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Low Flows in Various Climatic Conditions: A Case Study of Muskingum Watershed in Eastern Ohio.” Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, Sept 10-12, 2014, Robert Morris University, Moon, PA.
  7. Aashish Shrestha, Suresh Sharma, Scott C. Martin, and Colleen E. McLean. “Scenario Analysis for the Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing on Stream Low Flows in Various Climatic Conditions: A Case Study of Muskingum Watershed in Eastern Ohio.” Water Management Association Ohio Conference, Nov 18-19, 2014, Columbus, OH.
  8. Suresh Sharma, Puneet Srivastava. “Wavelet Analysis of Simulated Total Organic Carbon Load with El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO).” Water Management Association Ohio Conference, Nov 18-19, 2014, Columbus, OH.
  9. Suresh Sharma, Keshav Khanal, Taylor A Marucci. “Impact of Climate Change on Stream Low Flows and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permitting in Ohio River Basin.” Environmental and Water Resources Institute Conference, May 17-21, 2015, Austin, TX.
  10. Niraj Lamichhane, Suresh Sharma. “Incorporating Ice Jam Condition for Flood Warning System: A Case Study of the Grand River, Ohio.” Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, October 11-13, 2015, Northern Kentucky University.
  11. Suresh Sharma, Aashish Shrestha, and Colleen E. McLean. “Impact of Climate Change and Hydraulic Fracking on Stream Low flows.” Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education Symposium, October 11-13, 2015, Northern Kentucky University.
  12. Niraj Lamichhane, Suresh Sharma. “Incorporating Ice Jam Condition for Flood Warning System: A Case Study of the Grand River, Ohio.” Water Management Association of Ohio, November 17-18, 2015, Columbus
  13. Suresh Sharma, Aashish Shrestha, and Colleen E. McLean. “Impact of Climate Change and Hydraulic Fracking on Stream Low flows.” Water Management Association of Ohio, November 17-18, 2015, Columbus
  14. Suresh Sharma, Naba Subedi. “Temporal and Spatial Variability of Phosphorus Loading to Lake Erie Using Wavelet analysis (Environmental and Water Resources Institute, May 22-26, 2016, West Palm Beach, FL)
  15. Suresh Sharma, Puneet Srivastava, Latif Kalin. “Deriving NEXRAD Precipitation Data Using Artificial Neural Network and Multi Linear Regression Model for Hydrologic Simulation”, SECC meetings, Alabama water resources conference, 2010.
  16. Suresh Sharma, Puneet Srivastava, Latif Kalin. “Deriving NEXRAD Precipitation Data Using Artificial Neural Network and Multi Linear Regression Model for Hydrologic Simulation”, Alabama water resources conference, 2010.
  17. Sabin Shrestha, Suresh Sharma, “Impact of Future Climate Change on Stream Low Flows and Flooding on a Large Agricultural River Basin: A Case Study of Great Miami River Watershed.” ORBCRE Symposium, Sept 27-29, 2016, YSU, OH.
  18. Abhijit Sharma Subedi, Suresh Sharma, Anwarul Islam, “Effect of Pier Encasement on Headwater Elevation.” ORBCRE Symposium, Sept 27-29, 2016, YSU, OH.